Friday, October 19, 2012

Book Tour Guest- Anthea Carson Author, The Dark Lake (The Oshkosh Trilogy)

Authot Bio:

Anthea Carson was born in 1964 and grew up in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Philosophy from the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. She has been a tournament chess player, winning such National awards as Female Game 60 champion of 2003, and is frequently listed in the top 100 chess-playing women in the U.S. list. She has worked as a chess coach in the schools since 1999. She is the co-author of "How to Play Chess Like an Animal," a children's chess book. Anthea has been playing chess and writing fiction since childhood. She has two published novels, one young adult fiction called "Ainsworth," and "The Dark Lake," a story about a ghostly woman who haunts Lake Winnebago in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.

Author Interview:

1.What genre do you write?

 I have written three young adult novels, one adult psychodrama, one children's illustrated chess book, two short stories, and one literary fiction. My favorite to write is literary fiction.

2.Do you have specific writing style?

 I used to write stream of consciousness, but I'm trying to move away from that, and just write straight fiction.
3.How did you came up with the idea about your first book?

 Most of the books I write are from my life. I take real events and then change them around, play with them, and make things up around them.

4.What was the biggest challenge in your writing?

 The biggest challenge is writing when I don't feel inspired. That is still a challenge I haven't overcome.

5. Is there an Author who you can consider mentor in your writing?

 I'm trying to learn from Hemingway, but I would say up till now the influence has been Proust or Nabokov.

6. What you want to share with your readers?

 I really enjoy reading other indie writers, and I'm really excited about publishing on Amazon kindle. I like the free promotions and I love to exchange reviews with other indie authors. I don't mind receiving negative reviews, but I try not to give them, at least not without sharing them with the author first.

7.Did you learn anything from your book and what was it? 

 I am very excited because I feel that I finally learned how to write a scene with this last book I wrote, called "Call me Jane."

Here it is a sneak pick from my new book:

Janey Lou wants to fit in with the cool crowd. No scratch that. Janey Lou wants to be herself, and stop pretending to be someone she’s not.

Janey Lou switches her name to Jane, switches schools, and decides not to try to fit in with any “crowd.”

This new, independent attitude causes her to fit in with the coolest crowd of all. Before she knew what happened she found herself caught up in a lifestyle she wasn’t emotionally prepared for.

About the Dark Lake:

    Jane wanders the lake in search of the voices that call her from the depths. She just can’t seem to get her life together. She tries to move on from the past. She goes to therapy. She goes to AA. She tries to find a job, and eventually, to avoid jail time, she goes to Anger Management. But she just can’t seem to get past her past.
Her therapist tells her she needs to remember what happened at the party. Whatever happened at the party holds the key. She tries to remember, but it’s hard if not impossible to remember what happened in a blackout. But whatever it is, that’s what haunts her, and if she can just deal with it, she can move on.
But then they start dragging her car from the lake. “Why,” she wonders, “after all this time, why are they pulling her car from the lake?”

Available to purchase on Amazon:

Friday, September 21, 2012

Book Tour Guest-Samantha Holt Author, The Angels Assasin, a Medivel Story of Love and Betreyal

Author Bio:

Samantha Holt resides in Warwickshire, England, with her twin girls, having followed her soldier husband around the UK for nearly 10 years. Growing up in Hampshire, she was inspired by the authors Jane Austen and Elizabeth Gaskell, both of which lived and wrote only miles from her home town.

Samantha loves the romance genre and has been devouring romantic literature for as long as she can remember. History is another passion of hers and she loves to combine her love for history and romance into exciting and passionate tales.


A medieval story of love and betrayal.

As a rebellion sweeps England, Lady Annabel finds her home overrun by rebels. Much to her relief, a dark knight comes to her rescue, claiming to have been sent to protect her by her uncle.

But Nicholas holds a secret about the job he was sent to do and it is a far cry from what Annabel believes it to be. As the attraction between them grows, Nicholas begins to question the dark life he has lived. But is it enough to change him and will Annabel ever trust again after learning the true nature of his sinful duty?

Author Interview:

1. What genre do you write?
I write historical romantic fiction.

2. Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

There's nothing particularly deep about my books, really I just want to offer my readers a happy ending with an interesting journey on the way but I enjoy exploring different personalities and how they react to one another. All of my heroes and heroines learn something along the way.

3. How much of the book is realistic?

Because all my romances are set in the medieval times, it can be tricky. The middle ages spans such a large stretch of time that things change depending on when you set it so there is no distinct rules for writing medieval stories. You just have to research...a lot! Generally I try to ensure that they are as accurate and as realistic as possible but naturally there are places where you have to take artistic licence and just hope your reader forgives you. I try and convey some of the grittiness of the times but people are reading them for the romance, not a history lesson, so I would say my books are as realistic as I can allow them to be.

4. What books have most influenced your life the most?

North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell and most of Jane Auten's works. I was actually brought up on a steady diet of sci-fi and fantasy, like Terry Pratchett. That was my bedtime reading as a child! I still love the genre but I just don't have the ability to pull stories from mid-air.

5. Can you share a little of your current work with us?

My latest full length story is under way. It's in the very early stages but I can say it will involve two brother's and will explore how a relationship can develop when there is a communicative barrier.

6. Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?

Keeping the pace going can be difficult, particularly when trying to link two scenes. That's why I have several critique partners that can help me nail down any pesky slow parts.

7. What is your favorite food?

This is a question that has got me stumped for years! I honestly can't name one single dish, as I love so many and it depends on my mood. My favourite's include a nice curry, good old English fish and chips, scallops, lamb shank in mint gravy, stuffed peppers...oh too many to name!


Here are my links:

All my books are purchasable from Amazon:

Friday, September 7, 2012

Fire and Ice: Diana Bellerose: Englische Bücher

Fire and Ice: Diana Bellerose: Englische Bücher

Fire and Ice: Diana Bellerose: Livres anglais et étrangers

Fire and Ice: Diana Bellerose: Livres anglais et étrangers

Book Tour Guest-Debra Jean East-Author Paranormal Romance, Radiance - Love after Death


Debra Jayne East was born the oldest of six girls in Martinsville, Virginia. For as long as she could remember, she loved to keep journals, write poetry and short stories. She researched her family tree and suddenly she understood why. Her distant relative, Violet Florence Martin was an Irish author, born in 1862, who co-wrote a series of novels with cousin Edith Somerville under the pen name of Martin Ross in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Learning about her heritage encouraged her to follow her dreams. After she encountered a near-death experience during a routine surgery, she realized her time had come to follow her heart and realize her calling to be a writer. Her first novel, Radiance:Love after Death was released by XOXO Publishing in June of last year.
Debra lives in North Carolina close to the Blue Ridge Parkway and enjoys photography, volunteering and spending time with her family. Currently, she is nearly finished with a second book in her Radiance series and also working on a science fiction novel.Ms. East loves to set her stories in the rural areas surrounding her home.The idea came to her for her first book when after a long depression from the break up of her marriage, she found a crooked heart-shaped stone in the grass near by. It reminded her that even though hearts get broken and scarred from loss that they are still capable of love. Finding the stone renewed her will to go on, and she realized it had a message for anyone recovering from heart break. She passes that message on in Marena Jacobs, her gutsy endearing heroine in Radiance:Love after Death. She hopes her readers will take to heart the wonderful message of a crooked heart-shaped stone that saved her life and inspired a book.

When Marena Jacobs drove home on a cold, rainy night to Eden, North
Carolina, she never expected to meet the man of her dreams, after she
died. Surviving a near fatal car accident, she slowly recovers from a
traumatic brain injury and crushed leg. In the months ahead, she
remains haunted by what happened in the seconds of time she passed from life to death. Was it real or imagined?
Before the accident, her life had almost come to a tragic end.
Contemplating suicide, she found a crooked heart-shaped stone in the
grass that saved her. She realized that it carried a message. "Even
though your heart is broken, it's still a heart, you can still love."
A stranger was about to prove to her how true that was!


What inspired you to begin Writing?

Well, after a break up of a long marriage I found myself alone and starting over in my forties. I was depressed and discouraged. My hope was nearly gone
when I found a crooked heart- shaped stone in the grass. I heard a message loud and clear inside my mind. Even though your heart is broken, it's still a heart,
and you can still love.That rock saved my life and inspired me to weave its story into a paranormal romance novel.It first started on a trip to the library. I read a wonderful book called A Secret Garden by Francis Hodgins Burnett that hooked me instantly. I loved how reading made me feel adventurous, inspired and happy without leaving my room! At seven years old, I then wrote my first story called Ghost and Sabre that my best friend bought for her brother who liked "scary" stuff. I knew I was on to something because being a kid, I didn't even think about anyone wanting to read it. it. She wanted to buy it on her own for her brother. Gee, I wonder if he still has it, lol? I'd like to see it after all these years!

Please share about your latest book.

Marena Jacobs never expected her life to end in near tragedy. While driving home one night in a bad storm, she passes a young boy walking alone in the rain. While she stops to find a place to call for help, her car stalls in the path of an oncoming tractor trailer. Moments later, as she lay dying on the sidewalk, she is offered a second chance at love from an unexpected source. Months alter,waking up from a coma , she must start rebuilding her life. Marena struggles to recall what happened in those seconds of time she passed from life to death. Was it real or imagined? The tall, dark stranger climbing in her window is about to help her remember.

How did you decide to publish this book? Why?

I was watching Stephanie Meyers on television one day, and suddenly she spoke into the camera. She said if anyone had a desire to be a write they should just do it. When she said that I "knew" my book would be published. Why? I think the message of the heart-stone is a message that wants to be heard.

What is your advice to beginning writers?

My advice is to not accept the first publisher who wants to sell your book. Investigate and ask other writers how they are treated. There are lots of bad publishers out there. Three years is a long time to wait to end a contract. Next, don't be afraid to ask for changes in your promotion if its not working for you. It's still your work.

What was your biggest challenge in writing this book?

It seems funny now, but at the time it was daunting. I did not know how to type well or use Microsoft Word. I taught myself and well, I'm still learning. All my book was written in long hand and had to be typed.

Most writers are readers. What books are on your "to-read" list?

I can't wait to read K.D.Emerson's, Digitus 233 and Karen Magill's Broken Flowers. These ladies can write!

Where can readers find out more about you and your book?

XOXO Publishing:

Saturday, September 1, 2012

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