Candy O'Donnell was born in Carmichael, California and always loved to write. This was how she expressed herself. While young, she won many writing awards but her first piece gained her recognition in the seventh grade. She wrote a piece about her mother's losing battle to leukemia. Candy is attending University of Cincinnati for an MS in Criminal Justice. The subject has always intrigued her. Spirits and ghosts were also commonplace in her family since her life has always been filled with so much death. Her grandmother taught her never to have fear and to reach for the stars no matter what she put her mind to, and that is just what she is doing. Candy's writing has branched out into many genres, but the paranormal aspect still fascinates her more than anything because she understands what draws people to it.
What inspired you to write your first book?
**I was inspired to write Psychic Perception by the thought of going into the Criminal Justice field. I wound up with 6 Grad Units, but the field of writing called my name instead. I loved weaving different aspects of Carrie Dowd (Main Character) with everyone else within the book along with murder and how she senses it.
Do you have a specific writing style?
**I really do not have a specific writing style. I write from whatever point of view suits the book at the time.
How did you come up with the title?
**I came up with the title "Psychic Perception" after mulling over different longer titles that never really worked. This title was short and to the point of what I wished to get across to readers.
Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
How much of the book is realistic?
**I want readers to grasp that not all psychics interpret what they receive the same way. Many are constantly bombarded with visions and intuitive sights on a daily basis. I really believe this book is realistic from my point of view. I added in my own personality and how I see the world through my own psychic eye.
Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?
**These experiences in this book are fictional, but some events are based on real events that have occurred in my own life. I'm a psychic-medium and assist people with love, financial, past life regressions/readings, and I love what I do!
What books have most influenced your life most?
**I have been influenced by other psychics such as Sylvia Browne, Marta Williams, and various other folks that have come into my life.
If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?
What book are you reading now?
**I am reading "The Reawakening
The Living Dead Series Book 1"
by Joseph Souza
I consider my first teacher I had when I was in the mist of my bachelor's degree to be my mentor. He encouraged me to write "Psychic Perception" and to continue to write, no matter what anyone else says.
About the book
Carrie Dowd sensed murder—she knew how it was done, the circumstances surrounding the person's disappearance, and the turmoil the victim endured. But who did it always evaded her, even after a missing girl’s mother reached out for help. Carrie's dreams and life always dowsed in the tragedies of others. How was she going to assist a mourning family if she could not reveal fully what her psychic mind saw?
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