Thursday, June 13, 2013

The New Rachel Love Show with Co Host Dianna Bellerose and Guest Author Elle

The New Rachel Love Show -
If you've read my first novel, The Fall: An Autobiography of an Alter Ego, you know that I believe the question "Who am I?" is not always answered easily. That said, these three descriptors - author, woman, and terrified - seem to do the job pretty well at the moment.
I have claimed myriad titles in life but the only answer to that question that rings true and that applies in any setting (for me) is that of Author. It requires no further explanation.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Rachel Love Show's Page -

The Rachel Love Show's Page -

Thursday 4 pm Eastern/3 CT/ 2CT/ 1pm PT
Learn to Change your Perceptions and your Life by the Woman who understands better than most about Transitions, Rachel Love!  
Join Rachel Love and her Co-Host Dianna Bellerose Author of the Novel "Fire and Ice" every Thursday at 4 pm eastern on
Rachel & Dianna  interviews some of the most interesting New Thought Leaders available. Everything from Activism- 2- ZEN,  The Rachel Love Show Has It All!
Rev. Rachel Love Ghost Whisperer / Medium / Intuitive, Transition Coach & Associate Minister - Intuitive Instructor, Sacred Hoop Center and Founder of Goddess Love, Rachel Love's School of Intuitive Intelligence.

Rachel Love Show and Co Host Dianna Bellerose- Change your Perception, Change Your Life

Take your life to the next level, join our conversation and support us.
Rachel Love website

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Dianna BelleRose on vCita

Let me help with your journey in life and create the best possible outcome for you. I work with people who are serious about improving their lives and are willing to work hard. It takes commitment and dedication, I do not work with everyone if we cannot connect and feel comfortable with each other. Schedule your FREE no obligation consultation today.
What we will work on:

1. Discovering your true potential and achieving it
2. Raising your awareness
3. Setting a goals

There are tools I personally used to get what I want from life and the work continue ever day. The process of improving our lives is a never ending work, persistence is pivotal. I will create the necessary program based on the your individual needs because I feel that what works for one person, does not work for other. Your success is important to me, and I want to do the best possible job. My philosophy is that anything is possible if you want something bad enough.  There is no obstacle impossible to overcome, life is beautiful and YOU deserve the best of it. What are you waiting for? Let's go for a ride, all you need is:

a) telephone
b) email
c) journal to record your improvement every day
d) pen
e) Dianna Bellerose's email:


Coaching is not therapy or counseling or medical care. Please take responsibility for your own health and well-being, whether it’s mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual. By hiring me as a coach or purchasing other coaching services or products, you are agreeing to hold yourself responsible for your own life and results. Coaching and products are not intended to diagnose, prescribe, treat, or cure any disease, physical or mental.

Dianna BelleRose on vCita

New Book Butterfly- Life in Poems

Buy It On Amazon Buy It From Me Signed PayPal Domestic Price $15.00 Include your addre...